Saturday, July 24, 2010

July 14, 2010 - Day 4 (as observed by Brett and Liz Krantz)

Shabbat greetings! Today was a relaxing day when each family (and each person within a family) could choose to spend the day in whatever manner they believed appropriate. For one group the day began with an outdoor Torah study led by Rabbi Caruso. An awesome place to have such a talk.

When everyone finished their breakfasts, a group of intrepid explorers made their ways up the hills of Tzfat (or Safed if you prefer) to the ruins of the Crusader Citadel that sits on top of the mountain around which the city has grown. The Citadel was over 10 acres and is generally believed to have been the largest Eastern Crusader Citadel. At the top of the Citadel stood a monument to the Jews of the city who fought for their freedom after independence was declared. Though the streets of the city were mainly empty, except those praying outside or apparently heading to pray, at the monument was a group of soldiers (or as we call them teenagers). The soldiers were fully armed, looking out over the Golan Heights towards Syria and were being told the story of the struggle for Tzfat during the war of independence. So what was happening was a group of Jewish soldiers were standing in a Christian Citadel, which the Muslims leaders had allowed the Crusaders to build as part of a treaty, followed by another group of Muslim leaders who chased the Crusaders from the Citadel and then pulled it down. In a way, this was a tiny microcosm of the history, dilemma and struggle that has pervaded this part of the world for 2000 years.

In the afternoon the group could choose to do whatever they fancied. Remember though, all the stores are closed today. Coffee shops and ice cream stores will open at 9 P.M. for the "evening". Many decided that a perfect place to recharge in the hot sun was the beautiful pool "underneath" the hill where the hotel sits. Adults and kids all enjoyed the respite and got a wonderful chance to know each other better. Others figured that a trip to the spa for a massage was a perfect solution to the sore back which happened rafting down the mighty Jordan yesterday. And finally, certain teenagers choose to take the "day of rest" to heart and managed to wake-up only for mealtimes.

This evening we will have a discussion and a Havdalah service. Altogether a truly pleasant day for all of us to look at the way Shabbat is spent by some Israelis and to spend it ourselves with family as well as friends - both old and new.

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